Generalized representations of 3-Hom-Lie algebras


  • S. Mabrouk University of Gafsa, Faculty of Sciences Gafsa, 2112 Gafsa, Tunisia
  • A. Makhlouf Université de Haute Alsace, IRIMAS-département de Mathématiques
  • S. Massoud Université de Sfax, Faculté des Sciences, Sfax Tunisia


Palabras clave:

3-Hom-Lie algebra, representation, generalized representation, cohomology, Abelian extension


The propose of this paper is to extend generalized representations of 3-Lie algebras to Hom-type algebras. We introduce the concept of generalized representation of multiplicative 3-Hom-Lie algebras, develop the corresponding cohomology theory and study semi-direct products. We provide a key construction, various examples and computation of 2-cocycles of the new cohomology. Also, we give a connection between a split abelian extension of a 3-Hom-Lie algebra and a generalized semidirect product 3-Hom-Lie algebra.


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Non-associative Rings and Algebras

Cómo citar

Generalized representations of 3-Hom-Lie algebras. (2020). Extracta Mathematicae, 35(1), 99-126.

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