On the projectivity of finitely generated flat modules


  • A: Tarizadeh Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Basic Sciences, University of Maragheh P.O. Box 55136–553, Maragheh, Iran



Palabras clave:

exterior power, invariant factor, projectivity, S-ring, specialization cone, generalization cone


In this paper, the projectivity of a finitely generated flat module of a commutative ring is studied through its exterior powers and invariant factors and then various new results are obtained. Specially, the related results of Endo, Vasconcelos, Wiegand, Cox-Rush and Puninski-Rothmaler on the projectivity of finitely generated flat modules are generalized.


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Commutative Algebra

Cómo citar

On the projectivity of finitely generated flat modules. (2020). Extracta Mathematicae, 35(1), 55-67. https://doi.org/10.17398/2605-5686.35.1.55