A Note on Rational Approximation with Respect to Metrizable Compactifications of the Plane


  • M. Fragoulopoulou Department of Mathematics, University of Athens Panepistimiopolis, Athens 157 84, Greece
  • V. Nestoridis Department of Mathematics, University of Athens Panepistimiopolis, Athens 157 84, Greece


compactification, Arakelian’s theorem, Mergelyan’s theorem, Runge’s theorem, uniform approximation in the complex domain.


In the present note we examine possible extensions of Runge, Mergelyan and Arakelian Theorems, when the uniform approximation is meant with respect to the metric ρ of a metrizable compactification (S, ρ) of the complex plane C.




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Complex Variable

How to Cite

A Note on Rational Approximation with Respect to Metrizable Compactifications of the Plane. (2016). Extracta Mathematicae, 31(1), 109-117. https://revista-em.unex.es/index.php/EM/article/view/2605-5686.31.1.109